You may wish to email us at: [email protected]
Your input will be appreciated.
Best wishes from all the "Bayviewlife.org" Team and
thank you for visiting our website.
Hope you enjoyed it.
A really big "thank you" to our many supporters (huge response) who signed our Petition to the
NSW Planning Minister & Secretary of NSW Planning & Environment .
SIGN OUR PETITION HERE: Ban new development in Sydney's Wildlife Corridors
Many thanks to our very busy legal team of "Bayviewlife.org " for the hours researching the finer detail of
the proposed development & SCC application and lodging objections to the NSW Department of Planning,
in matters of "sensitive lands " , rural zonings etc.
Thank you to the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO NSW) for providing valuable legal advice.
Thank you to the Dr. Beth Mott of the Powerful Owl Project who provided important ecological research and objections to this DA.
https://support.birdlife.org.au/donate ( in comment box add: Powerful Owl project)
Thanks also to Department of Environment CANBERRA Compliance Division, for their interest, past & present in these SCC applications. Very helpful support given by those organisations.
It has made public, the huge groundswell of local support for Pittwater Council ,
(now the Northern Beaches Council ) by both their Council staff and previously elected Councillors.
Thanks to those Northern Beaches residents whose steadfastness eventually won the day.
This site will be updated as interesting news concerning Bayview comes to light.
A big "thank you" to the Bayview residents that supplied the wonderful local birdlife photographs . Amazing!