To object - choose one of the following 3 methods:
1 - EMAIL to Northern Beaches Council: [email protected]
and state your objections to DA2017/1274.
2- Submit an ONLINE objection
click this link to submit an online objection:
State clearly that you are objecting to DA2017/1274 52 Cabbage Tree Road Bayview.
The objection points listed below are suggestions only.
Please do not copy and paste directly from this list, but write in your own words as otherwise, council will not count your objection as an individual objection, if it is just copied from the suggestions list.
3 - WRITE an Objection LETTER to Council and post it to:
Northern Beaches Council,
Attention Development Assessment
PO Box 1336 Dee Why 2099 Or hand deliver it to any council offices
- Object to DA2017/1274 - amended plans - Stop the destruction of the wildlife corridor
- This is Biodiversity Land and a designated wildlife corridor
- Is this a lawful DA? Is SEPP Seniors permissible on this land?
- The proposal is a 5 acre blockage to the existing wildlife corridor
- This wildlife corridor has been designate high priority wildlife habitat and wildlife corridor since 1990
- Save the 8 endangered species
- Visual amenity will be dramatically changed
- Even with amended plans the bulks, scale and character is out of character with the surrounding semi rural, low residential, open space recreational nature of all the surrounding area.
- The lights and noise will scare away existing endangered species. This can not be mitigated.
- Building 5 acres of 7 buildings in the middle of the best part of the wildlife corridor does not 'enhance' the wildlife corridor.
- More than 140+ remnant trees will be plus any along the road which need to go for line of sight for traffic.
- The golf players will not be able to play on that area whilst building is happening for 2 years.
- Cabbage Tree road is a dangerous road, has had a number of deaths on this road and the crest in the road obscures vision before where the proposed entrance is.
1 - EMAIL to Northern Beaches Council: [email protected]
and state your objections to DA2017/1274.
2- Submit an ONLINE objection
click this link to submit an online objection:
State clearly that you are objecting to DA2017/1274 52 Cabbage Tree Road Bayview.
The objection points listed below are suggestions only.
Please do not copy and paste directly from this list, but write in your own words as otherwise, council will not count your objection as an individual objection, if it is just copied from the suggestions list.
3 - WRITE an Objection LETTER to Council and post it to:
Northern Beaches Council,
Attention Development Assessment
PO Box 1336 Dee Why 2099 Or hand deliver it to any council offices
- Object to DA2017/1274 - amended plans - Stop the destruction of the wildlife corridor
- This is Biodiversity Land and a designated wildlife corridor
- Is this a lawful DA? Is SEPP Seniors permissible on this land?
- The proposal is a 5 acre blockage to the existing wildlife corridor
- This wildlife corridor has been designate high priority wildlife habitat and wildlife corridor since 1990
- Save the 8 endangered species
- Visual amenity will be dramatically changed
- Even with amended plans the bulks, scale and character is out of character with the surrounding semi rural, low residential, open space recreational nature of all the surrounding area.
- The lights and noise will scare away existing endangered species. This can not be mitigated.
- Building 5 acres of 7 buildings in the middle of the best part of the wildlife corridor does not 'enhance' the wildlife corridor.
- More than 140+ remnant trees will be plus any along the road which need to go for line of sight for traffic.
- The golf players will not be able to play on that area whilst building is happening for 2 years.
- Cabbage Tree road is a dangerous road, has had a number of deaths on this road and the crest in the road obscures vision before where the proposed entrance is.